Here is a choice of some of our successfully completed projects. In all projects we install the ventilation technology and in some additionally the refrigeration, the mechanical smoke extraction and the control technology.
For more detailed information please contact us.
BSR Forckenbeckstraße (city claning Berlin)
client: Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
contractual amount: ca. 99.000 €
completion: Juli 2017
Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum, Labor Haus 8 (Laboratory medical centre)
client: Vivantes Service GmbH
contractual amount: ca. 68.000 €
completion: Mai 2017
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
client: Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin
contractual amount: ca. 135.000 €
completion: Mai 2017
BSR Rollbergstraße, Sozial- und Dienstgebäude (city clening Berlin)
client: Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
contractual amount: ca. 58.000 €
completion: April 2017
Rowing centre of Berlin
client: Landesruderzentrum Berlin e.V.
contractual amount: ca. 95.000 €
completion: April 2017
Urania Berlin - reconstructing ventilation system
client: Urania Berlin e.V.
contractual amount: ca. 260.00 €
completion: Oktober 2016
Federal agency for Material Reserch and Testing
client: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
contractual amount: ca. 58.000 125.00 €
completion: September 2016
Median Klinik Grünheide (medical centre)
client: MEDIAN Kliniken GmbH & Co. KG
contractual amount: ca. 1.300.000 €
completion: Septemper 2014
Energetic restoration Bernhard-Grzimek-primary school, building A
client: Bezirksamt Lichtenberg
contractual amount: 280.000 €
completion: August 2014
Restoeation multifunctional Eventlocation - Français de Berlin
client: Centre Français de Berlin gGmbH
contractual amount: 130.000 €
completion: Mai 2014
Colonnade des Cavaliers, riding arena Ruinenberg, Pappelallee Potsdam, housing construction
client: terraplan Grundstücksentwicklungs-Gesellschaft mbH
contractual amount: 120.000 €
completion: September 2013
Käthe-Kollwitz-secondary school Mühlenbeck – gymnasium and school building
client: Gemeinde Mühlenbecker Land, Bau- u. Planungsamt
contractual amount: ca. 380.000,00 Euro
completion: December 2012
Solon AG Berlin
client: Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG - NL Stuttgart
contractual amount: 1.500.000,00 Euro
completion: September 2009
Humboldt University Berlin – Altes Palais
client: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
contractual amount: 250.000,00 Euro
completion: 2009
University Potsdam - Griebnitzsee
client: Liegenschafts- und Bauamt Potsdam
contractual amount: 800.000,00 Euro
completion: 2008
Nursing home Marzahn
client: Altempflegeheime Berlin GmbH
contractual amount: 250.000 Euro
completion: January 2006
Nursing home Zepernick
client: Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Senioren und Behinderte
contractual amount: 50.000 Euro
completion: November 2004
University Erlangen-Nürnberg
client: Staatliches Hochbauamt Nürnberg II
contractual amount: 100.000 Euro
completion: 2004