
Most of our certificates are only available in German. Below you find a list with the translation of the German titels of the certificates. If you want to watch or download the german version please change to the german site here.

Certificate DIN-EN ISO 9001: 2008 project management, commissioning and plant construction of ventilation technology, refrigeration, measurment/control/regulating technology (MSR)
PDF-Dokument [836.4 KB]
Certificate DIN-EN ISO 9001: 2008 project management, commissioning and plant construction of ventilation technology, refrigeration, measurment/control/regulating technology (MSR)
PDF-Dokument [890.3 KB]


translation german name
information of the commercial central register Auskunft aus dem Gewerbezentralregister

Business and suppliers directory

ULV Bescheinigung
certificate of exemption concerning tax deduction for construction work Freistellungsbescheinigung zum Steuerabzug bei Bauleistungen
employer's liability insurance coverage Berufsgenossenschaft
business liability insurance Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung
registration at the chamber of handicrafts Eintragung Handwerkskammer
business identification card Betriebsausweis
certificate of hygiene in air conditioning systems Zeugnis Hygiene in raumlufttechnischen Anlagen
information on tax matters Bescheinigung in Steuersachen
evidence of tax liabilities Nachweis Steuerschuldenschaft §13b
trade register excerpt Handelsregisterauszug
register of craftsmen Handwerksrolle
clearance certificate Knappschaft Knappschaft Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung
clearance certificate TK Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung TK


Hier finden Sie uns:

GBG GmbH - Guido Bars Gebäudetechnik
Wittlicher Straße 2

13088 Berlin



+49 30 38304900


oder nutzen sie unser Kontaktformular.


Mo. - Do.

7:30 - 16:30


7:30 - 13:00

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© GBG GmbH - Guido Bars Gebäudetechnik